
Showing posts with the label Prayer

Prayer (James 5:13-18)

Scandal (Matthew 26:30-56; 69-75)

"New Wine"

Music Musings

Shut Up and Listen! (Exodus 14)

Trust and Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

Mama's Journal

The Call (Genesis 12:1-9)

Jesus' Prayer (John 17)

The Ministry of Prayer (John 16:16-33)

Faith: All About God, or You?

"Save the Last One" Random Thoughts


Again, Rejoice! Part 2 (Philippians 4:4-7)

Praying in the Garden (Mark 14:32-42)

The True Relational Nature of Faith (Mark 11:22-25)

Placebo Faith

A Little Whisper in Your Heart

The Power of Prayer?

Prayer on Facebook