
Showing posts with the label Major Prophets

Isaiah 9:8-10:4 Word to Israel, The Moment of Decision

Isaiah 9:1-7 Word to Judah, Glorious Hope

Isaiah 8:9-22 Word to Judah, The Remnant

Isaiah 7:18-8:8 Word to Judah, Judgement

Isaiah 7:1-17: Word to Judah, The Moment of Decision

Isaiah 7-12 Introduction: Who Do You Trust?

Isaiah 7-12 Outline

Isaiah Chapter 6:11-13: The Plan, Divine Purpose

Isaiah Chapter 6:8-10: Commissioned, the Response to Divine Concern

Isaiah 6:1-7: Cleansed: the Response to Divine Holiness

Isaiah Chapter 6: History and Setting: The Death of the King (6.1a)

Isaiah Chapter 5:13-17,24-30: Therefore, Judgment on the Stinky Fruit

Isaiah Chapter 5:22,23: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 6. Injustice

Isaiah Chapter 5:21: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 5. Cynicism

Isaiah Chapter 5:20: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 4. Perversion

Isaiah Chapter 5:18-19: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 3. Arrogance

Isaiah Chapter 5:11-12: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 2. Debauchery

Isaiah Chapter 5:8-10: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 1. Greed

Isaiah Chapter 5:1-7 The Song of the Vineyard

Isaiah Chapter 4: The Hope of the Future Jerusalem