
Showing posts with the label Global Warming

Science and Reason Are Not the Villains

"Interstellar" (2014)

Star Trek Voyager (Season 5a)

"Godzilla" (2014)


"The Day the Earth Stood Still" (2008)

The Ice-Cream-Headache that is Ursus maritimus

Science as Religion, Faltering

"Canonicity" in Real Life

Star Trek The Next Generation (Season 1b)

Religion and Politics

Two Serial Killers by Fincher, p1 Zodiac

The 2009 Media Menace


A Textbook Example of Alarmist Fear Mongering

Personal Political Poop

Movie Review: M. Night, the Ugly

Science, Meet Logic

Coast To Coast AM

Well, As Long As You Feel Good About Yourself