
Showing posts with the label Book of Job

Epilogue: Vindication, Intercession, Restoration (Job 42:7-17)

Job’s Responses (Job 40:3-5; 42:1-6)

The Lord Answers Job P2 (40:6-41:34)

The Lord Answers Job P1 (38:1-40:2)

Elihu: Suffering as a Disciple Part 4 (Job 32-37)

Elihu: Suffering as a Disciple Part 3 (Job 32-37)

Elihu: Suffering as a Disciple Part 2 (Job 32-37)

Elihu: Suffering as a Disciple Part 1 (Job 32-37)

The Path of Integrity (Job 29-31)

The Place of Wisdom (Job 28)

The Power of God (Job 26,27)

The Conversation Dies Out (Job 23-25)

Third Time Is Not a Charm (Job 22)

The Second Cycle of Dialogue (Job 15-21)

Another Horror When We Consider the Divine (Job 11-14)

The Continued Horror of Partial Truths (Job 8-10)

The Horrific Reality of Partial Truths (Job 4-7)

Despair for the Day of One's Birth (Job 3)

Prologue Details (Job 1:1-2:13)

The Problematic Bookends (Job 1:1-2:13; 42:7-17)