Isaiah Chapter 6: History and Setting: The Death of the King (6.1a)

Chapter six of Isaiah stands alone in the overall structure of the book. It can be argued that it is a sort of climax to the introductory material of chapters one through five. However, it is just as strong an argument to say that it serves as the introduction to the more historically driven section of chapters seven through twelve. It is also a prophetic calling. Readers have argued for centuries over whether it is the original calling of Isaiah, or a subsequent refining call. Either way, it is the driving call that informs the whole book and ministry of Isaiah. At the same time, it feels like a response to much of the introductory material. Israel has fallen away from God, His covenant, and their relationship with Him. They need cleansing and restoration. God is offering that opportunity as a hope. Meanwhile, Isaiah encounters God, recognizes his guilt and is cleansed and redeemed. It is also grounded in time, starting with the mention of Uzziahā€™s death. Isaiahā€™s prophecy has a couple of sections that are grounded is history, with the following section being the first.

Overall, the outline of the chapter is as follows:

1. Historical Context (6.1a)
2. Repentance and Salvation (6:1b-7)
3. Hearing the Call (6:8-10)
4. Revelation (6:11-13a)
5. Remnant (6:13b)


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