Isaiah Chapter 5:13-17,24-30: Therefore, Judgment on the Stinky Fruit

In addition to the six descriptions of the fruit of sins (Greed, Debauchery, Arrogance, Perversion, Cynicism, and Injustice), Isaiah describes God’s judgements. Four “therefore” statements in response to His people’s sin.

After the first two sins, God declares that these rich, proud, greedy, drunk revelers will go hungry. They will lose their precious land that they have accumulated. Their insatiable appetites will be reflected in the appetite Sheol will have for them. Humiliation, loss, and death are consequences of these rotten, stinky fruits of sin.

Following the last four sins, God again proclaims His judgement. The stinky fruit needs to be destroyed, and He will burn it away. He is going to use foreign, godless nations to wipe out His own people. This conclusion to the introductory portion of Isaiah’s record deals with the driving issue of the prophecy. How could foreign nations conquer God’s people? This is not a defeat of God. It is the very action of God in response to the sin of the people.

God’s plans and purposes will not be thwarted, even by His own people.


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