Isaiah Chapter 5:20: The Six Sins of Stinky Fruit Part 4. Perversion
One way that people increase sin and evil in culture is by playing verbal games. The ultimate perversion is when meaning is abandoned, and reality is denied. This is where Isaiah turns next in the list of “stinky fruits” and sins of Judah.
“Woe to those who say of evil good and good evil, setting darkness for light and light for darkness, setting bitterness for sweetness and sweetness for bitterness.”
The people in Isaiah’s day were way ahead of “1984.” They redefined reality by denying their sin. They called things condemned, “good,” and things that were good they called “bad.”
This too is a situation we are all too familiar with today.
“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.”
“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
We have come to the place as a culture where we are policing language and punishing people for using words. Language is a powerful tool. We can control people when we control their speech. We can invent fictional realities when we all agree to speak as if said fictions are real. We can declare good bad and bad good. We can live in denial when we pervert our perceptions.
“Woe to those who say of evil good and good evil, setting darkness for light and light for darkness, setting bitterness for sweetness and sweetness for bitterness.”
The people in Isaiah’s day were way ahead of “1984.” They redefined reality by denying their sin. They called things condemned, “good,” and things that were good they called “bad.”
This too is a situation we are all too familiar with today.
“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.”
“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
We have come to the place as a culture where we are policing language and punishing people for using words. Language is a powerful tool. We can control people when we control their speech. We can invent fictional realities when we all agree to speak as if said fictions are real. We can declare good bad and bad good. We can live in denial when we pervert our perceptions.
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