Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995) Saturday Monster Movies

With the last of the Heisei Godzilla films (and the final of the Baby Godzilla trilogy) we get a good one. Or that is the considered opinion of the fandom. It certainly carries emotional weight, as Godzilla dies.

The enemy this time, is a more powerful and bigger monster, created by the very chemical that killed the first Godzilla back in 1954: the ā€œoxygen destroyer.ā€ Appropriately, this monster is called ā€œDestroyah.ā€

This story is a great manifestation of the truth that mankind, in a effort to make things better, tends to screw things up even more. You donā€™t mess with nature and get away with it. Ever since the Fall, when humanity told God that weā€™d prefer our way to His, we have made a horrible mess of things. Here, we invent a substance to kill off a monster that our nuclear weapons created, and it creates an even more threatening monster. Other real-life examples abound.

-We introduced Cane Toads to Australia to control insect pests. They became even worse pests with no natural predators.

-China tried to eliminate sparrows because they ate grain, but ended up with plagues of locusts as there were too few sparrows to control their population.

-In 1998, animal activists freed thousands of farmed mink, and those mink devastated and nearly drove several other species to extinction.

-We suppressed and combated forest fires in the US to such an extent that those fires today rage out of control due to the sheer amount of fuel.

-CFCs were invented as a safer refrigerant, then they almost destroyed the ozone layer.

Maybe donā€™t try to solve all of natureā€™s problems. You are only going to make things worse.


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