The Start of Jesus's Ministry (Luke 4:14,15)

“And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a report about him went out through all the surrounding country. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.”

Jesus emerges from the temptation in the wilderness to begin His public ministry. (If one harmonizes the Gospel accounts, this comes after a considerable period of ministry in Judah. However, this is where Luke begins his account of the ministry, when Jesus starts to work in His home region of Galilee.) We will see Jesus teach, perform miracles, and gather followers.

Jesus’s teaching ministry is a phenomenon. His teaching causes a astir and creates a reputation throughout the region. He is also performing miracles, but the story seems to show clearly that it is His teaching and the content of the message that really creates the celebrity. Here in the beginning of Jesus’s ministry, the people are fascinated and could be called positively curious, if not fans. That will not last. However, for those drawn by the message and convinced by the ideas, Jesus will be world changing.


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