Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) Saturday Monster Movies

Christians are told by Jesus that they need to have a “chil-like” faith. What He means by that is a trust of God the way that a child trusts a parent. Confidence and lack of doubt that the authority is going to be honest, protecting, and worthy of trust.

Animism, on the other hand, is a childish belief. The sort of concepts that a child would come up with to believe. Outlandish ideas that make no sense. Godzilla stories occasionally exhibit examples of what Philosophy of Religion would call “animism.” Mothra stories are more like case studies of animistic concepts and beliefs.

In this entry, the most child-oriented film of the Heisei era, the earth “produced” a male, moth-like god to defeat a human tribe that intended to cause climate change. Then, the earth had to produce another, female, moth-like god to protect itself from the first god. Jump ahead to current day, where a meteor awakens the first god who then gets into a fight with the second AND Godzilla, who was also awakened by the meteor. Fighting ensues. The Moths team up to fight Godzilla, and the male dies, and the female, Mothra, heads out into space to protect the planet from another meteor heading our way.

If it all seems a bit convoluted and nonsensical, it is. That is the nature of these childish stories designed to distract and entertain. And, in a way, that is the nature of animism too. Stories created by childish minds designed to distract and entertain (and control and dominate) people.


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