A Halloween Story for 2024

“Gather around my children. I’m going to tell you the spooky story I tell you every year. It used to be only once every four years, but now it is every year! The wolrd is going to END if you don’t vote the right way! The other side is out to destroy it. If you do not vote, and the enemy gains power, it will be your fault!”

Like all scary stories told around the campfire, this is what we call a tall tale. It is designed to scare you because scared people are easy to control.

Here are just some of the ways it is false:

1-Notice how both sides of the proverbial “aisle” in America tell the same tale. It is interchangeable. They both claim the other side wants to destroy democracy. While I wouldn’t put that past today’s career politicians, it just isn’t true. Our country has had healthy debate and differences of opinions for centuries now. Unless you are talking about the fringe nutjobs who literally hope for a second civil war, we are capable of disagreeing and working out our differences.

2-Your vote, ultimately does not make that much of a difference. We have all heard the stories of the “one vote that determined the outcome.” It isn’t yours. In fact, as far as presidential politics go, unless you are living in one of 7 states (maybe even just Pennsylvania), your vote will not make a difference in the outcome. In fact, in 5 of the 59 presidential elections the winner lost the popular vote. (Two of those came in the past 25 years.)

3-Who the president is is not your fault. We like to think that we individuals have more control over our head of state than people living in monarchies or dictatorships. If we do, though, the degree to which we individuals are in control is infinitesimally small. So small as to hardly be different.

Instead, let me suggest another approach to politics if you are a Christian.

1-God is on His throne and will still be there no matter the outcome of this year’s election. Don’t go into November 5th with fear, but confidence.

2-Don’t vote for “the lesser of two evils.” Vote for whoever you would be proud to have in office. Vote in a way that compromises none of your principles or convictions. Even if that is “none of the above.”

3-Your vote, one day every few years, is far less valuable to this country than your active involvement in your community every day. Make a real difference.


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