History Mustn't Always Repeat Itself (Numbers 32:1-33:49)

In these passages we get a summary of the history so far. Moses has kept a detailed record of everywhere they have been as the camp has traveled these past 40 years. We do not know today where all these places were, and we see too that not all the journey’s places or stories have been mentioned before. There is one more story that does need to be recorded before the conquest of the promised land, however.

When the Tribes of Gad, Reuben, and apparently part of Manasseh begin to consider the land they are in, on the east side of the Jordan, they ask Moses to be allowed to settle there. They had a lot of cattle, and this land was ideal for their herds.

Moses, though, has the history of the journey and the previous, sinful generation fresh on his mind. He heard people saying they didn’t want to enter the land, and he thought he was in for another rebellion against God!

However, this new generation was different. When they heard his warning, they came up with a plan to remain obedient. What if they established settlements on this side of the Jordan, but still crossed over and aided the nation in the conquest?

Sometimes we repeat the mistakes of the past, and sometimes we learn from them. But learning doesn’t mean we can’t still improve on the designs with the benefit of experience.


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