Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991) Saturday Monster Movies

In 1991, the world was still buzzing about the Back to the Future movies. So, naturally, the Godzilla franchise had to delve into time travel. Even more than most time travel movies, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah makes no sense plot-wise. Why do the time travelers appear in current time if they really intended to go back 50 years to remove Godzilla from history? When they do take current day humans back to change history, and remove Godzilla from history, why do the current day travelers and, indeed, everyone in current day remember Godzilla?

However, none of the many questions raised about the plot of this silly movie are going to make it any better. Nothing is going to help it make sense. Thankfully, there is more to this movie than the time-travel story.

The more compelling sub-plot here is Yasuaki Shindo. Shindo was a soldier saved by the dinosaur that ultimately became Godzilla. (Just go with it.) When Godzilla reappears and defeats King Ghidora, Shindo believes that he is there to save Japan. He thinks that they can count on Godzilla to be their hero. He never once thinks that Godzilla might be a danger to him.

This is a classic case of a person taking coincidence, luck, and happenstance and assigning agency and purpose to forces of nature. They come to believe that this force of nature is their good-luck, power-god, who will serve their plans and secure their safety. Classic nature worship and animism.

Any wonder how that will go?


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