Rhythms, Routines, and Reminders (Numbers 28,29)

At the beginning of the wilderness wanderings, the structure of the camp and the way it was laid out in relation to the tabernacle (God’s presence) was carefully prescribed. Now, as the new generation prepares to enter the promised land, where they will no longer be marching through the wilderness, the structure of their time is carefully prescribed. They will observe a rhythm of sacrifices for days, weeks, months, and yearly moments. As the structure of the camp reminded them of God’s holy presence and the need for holiness and awareness of Him in their midst, this new emphasis on the structure of their time throughout the year will remind them of the same thing. Even as they are far away from the tabernacle or temple, they will follow the rhythms and keep their minds set on God’s presence in their midst.

In a similar way, we do this sort of thing today, without the offerings and sacrifices. A daily time devoted to God, prayer, and His word helps us keep our focus on Him and what He has to say to us each day. A weekly gathering for worship and hearing God’s word preached does the same thing for our week. And, the church calendar with reminders and festivals celebrating what God has done helps us reset and recommit ourselves to God throughout the year.

These rhythms and routines are important to our lives. It is easy to drift off purpose and mission over time. Regular routines and reminders help us stay on track, and stay close to the Lord we have committed ourselves to follow and obey.


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