Man’s Faithfulness (Numbers 30)

Just as we saw evidence and reminders of God’s faithfulness in chapters 26 through 29, here in chapter 30 of Numbers we see that men are expected to stay true to their word as well. God is absolutely faithful to His covenant and promises. If people make a vow or a promise to God, they need to keep it!

Much of the chapter is devoted to clarifying how vows work if a woman makes them, which might feel strange to modern readers. However, it is helpful to remember that in Moses’s day, women were economically dependent on men (either their fathers or their husbands). If a woman made a vow and wanted to offer a sacrificial commitment, they would likely need to offer an animal that belonged to their father’s household, or their husband’s if they were married. Men were allowed to nullify a woman’s vow. However, if they did not do so as soon as they became aware of it, they would likely have to supply the means to fulfill the vow.

This was a protection for the woman as well as the man in relation to promises they made to God. However, today we would likely apply this passage a bit differently. Both because we do not offer freewill offerings like Israel did, and because women are not as economically dependent on men today. Now, we would likely say that people should be true to their word and commitments, especially those they offer to God. God is faithful and His people should be so as well.


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