MacGuffins and Messages in Indiana Jones: The Crystal Skull

The consensus view on the fourth Indiana Jones movie is that it is terrible. That is unfair. Compared to the greatness of the first three films, it is certainly a step down. However, compared to other movies, it is still a good—maybe even great film. Especially when one considers the message.

Just as in the other entries, there is a supernatural MacGuffin. The crystal skull of “alien” origin. That right there is a problem for some people. They complain that the first three films were supernatural and religious in nature. The crystal skull, they complain, is alien and therefore material, scientific, and not supernatural. This is not the case, though. The “aliens” have originated a religion, so the crystal skull is a religious artifact. (The crystal skulls in the real world are also religious artifacts, that people have tried to claim have supernatural properties.) Also, the “aliens” are revealed in the climax to be interdimensional beings. This is a real theory among academics studying alien encounters. And, interestingly, the idea fits well with theological ideas about “aliens” being spirit beings, either demons or angels. So, overall the crystal skull fits well with the other MacGuffins on the series.

What is the message or warning of this film’s MacGuffin? The crystal skull is purported to grant people all knowledge and wisdom. The antagonist in the film—this time a Soviet scientist—wants to be enlightened and to know… well everything. The answers to all of life’s questions. She wants to basically have a god-like knowledge. Just as the other artifacts offered power, glory, or life, this one promises to give a person more than they should handle.

As with the wisdom literature in the Bible (and other religious texts), the message of this film is that we can’t know everything. We should not want to know everything. Pursuit of too much knowledge leads to madness and destruction. We need to live comfortably in the humility that we can’t know everything and trust God to let us know just enough.


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