MacGuffins and Messages in Indiana Jones: The Grail

The third instalment of the Indiana Jones is not the best in the franchise. That said, its message might be the most powerful. The MacGuffin in this story is the Holy Grail, supposedly the cup that Jesus used during His last supper with His disciples. Contrary to any Christian theology or Biblical message, this story claims that anyone who drinks from the cup will not die. That is more Arthurian legend than New Testament.

The Grail was the life-long focus of study for Jones’s father, Henry Jones, who is also a historian and expert on antiquities. Once again, the Nazis are after the MacGuffin in order to use its power in their quest for world domination. They kidnap Henry Jones for his expertise. This ends up getting Indiana Jones involved and working against the Nazis.

There is a lot of drama and poignancy between estranged father and son. Jones learns yet again that the promise offered by relics is not the most important issue in life. Even when his father’s life hangs in the balance, it is more an issue of faith and trust than health and wealth. It doesn’t go so far as to point out that it is a relationship (particularly with God) that matter more than eternal life and health, but it get close.


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