Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) Saturday Monster Movies

This is the movie that just about killed my Saturday Monster Movies fun. Not that it is a terrible movie. It is bad, but bad in a monster-movie, Saturday matinee, kind of bad—that is to say, good fun. However, sometimes trying to find meaning and didactic plot lines in a story is just a futile exercise.

Apparently, this movie was rushed into production without a script or even a story when the next planned Godzilla was rejected. There were even rumors that this started out as a totally different movie without Godzilla at all, and it was pieced together as it was being made. Actually though, it is pretty parr for the course as these late 60s-early 70s Godzilla movies go. That is to say that it is a fun mess.

Don’t try to make sense of this one. If you want a story about how our technology is going to grow a heart, defy the laws of nature, and save us from ourselves, well… you are not tapped into the current Zeitgeist. We are too worried about AI to imagine a world with Artificial Emotional Attachment.


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