Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) Saturday Monster Movies

By this point in the series, Godzilla had gone from being a nuclear weapon byproduct and a disaster, to being Japan’s savior and hero. The series is a look at how humanity, created to worship, will worship anything that inspires awe and wonder. However, we are not going to explore the philosophy of religion aspects with this entry.

Instead, what do you do when your savior suddenly shows up appearing to be a villain? What happens when your understanding of a messiah suddenly starts to look like an anti-messiah?

In this film, when Godzilla appears and starts to destroy human civilization, the people are shocked and dismayed. Perhaps Godzilla is not the hero that the past several films had shown him to be?

Of course, the truth is not that that Godzilla is suddenly evil (again), but that the Godzilla rampaging around is an imposter… an anti-Godzilla… Mechagodzilla.

This is something that is helpful to keep in mind in Christianity. The Bible repeatedly warns the people of God that there will be imposters throughout history. Leaders will claim to speak for Christ, or even to be Christ, who will promote false teaching and practice. The key role of true leaders and teachers, according to Scripture, will be to guard against these false teachers and antichrists.

So, when you see people and groups doing evil things in the name of Christ or Christianity, don’t be surprised… don’t buy into their lies… but also, don’t reject the reality of Christ or Christianity. Imposters don’t render truth to be false, any more than darkness negates the existence of light, or evil acts mean good does not exist.


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