God's Faithfulness (Numbers 26-29)

After the rebellion of Baal-Peor, the narrative returns to more logistical, legal issues. We see a new census, counting the generation that was born in the wilderness. We see accommodations made for families who do not have sons, enabling them to keep their family lands. We see God appoint leadership for the people for after Moses is gone. And we see provisions and plans for the extensive sacrificial system that will be carried out in the conquered land.

In all of this, we see God’s faithfulness demonstrated towards His people. Despite all of their rebellion and the punishment of the entire generation that was saved from Egypt, the numbers of the people have maintained. They are less than 2,000 people than the last generation, despite all of the rebellion and the many years in the wilderness. This despite 24,000 people dead in the previous chapter! We also see that God is faithful in His provision for the families’ lands that are about to be assigned in the new land. Even when sons are not born, the lands will remain in the families and their lines will not die out. Moses is about to leave the people and die in the wilderness along with the rebelling generation, but God is going to continue to provide by appointing new, proven leadership. Finally, the sacrificial system as lined out in the legislative calendar section, is going to require tremendous blessing in the form of the product of the land they are about to be given.

God is faithful to His people and His promises. He can be trusted. He deserves our faith and devotion.


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