Failing to See Reality (Numbers 23,24)

If Balaam was a bad example of listening-but-not-listening to God, with the way he returned to ask the same thing God had already said no to—Balak is an even greater example of this folly.

Balaam had already said that no matter what he was paid, he could only curse someone if YHWH said he could. Balak takes Balaam up to a place where he can see the whole encampment of Israel and builds seven altars there. Balaaam goes off to see what YHWH will say… and returns with a mighty blessing for Israel!

Balak is like the kid asking mom for a cookie, who hears, “no” and takes that as a sign to ask dad. He asks Balaam to go to another place. This time, Balaam will only see a portion of Israel. Perhaps he will be less in awe and will be able to muster up a curse.

Instead, Balaam receives another blessing, with a warning. God is not someone who is vacillating nor movable. His plans are sure. Israel is a blessed people!

Balak complains to Balaam. At the very least, he could refrain from blessing Israel if he won’t curse them!

One more attempt is made. This time, Balaam does not even need to consult YHWH. Filled with the Spirit, Balaam pronounces an even greater blessing. And he responds to Balak’s threats and anger with a curse finally. However, it is a curse against Balak.

The surest reality in this life is that God’s plans will be accomplished. It is best for us to recognize when God wants something and to go along with God’s plans. Not only are they not going to be swayed by us or our desires. They will be much better than our own plans in the end.


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