The Gospel of Joy (Luke 2:8-14)

The story of the shepherds at Jesus’s birth is one of the most special in all the special stories of God’s interaction with His creation. The scene is set. It is nighttime. It is dark and peaceful. The shepherds are guarding their flock. They are the poor and the overlooked. They perform an important function in society but are not appreciated. They are among the last that we would think of for playing a part in the story of the Messiah. God has another idea, though. These are perfect representatives of humanity to receive the most important birth announcement in history.

In the middle of the darkness, they are suddenly surrounded by “the glory of YHWH.” A tremendous and overwhelming light. Heavenly messenger—an awe-inspiring supernatural being—appears in their midst. They are naturally terrified. However, the messenger’s message is that they should have no fear! He has a gospel of great joy to deliver! The Messiah has come!

But wait! The Messiah is not a king nor a victorious, powerful warrior. The supernatural messenger has come to proclaim the birth of a helpless, vulnerable baby. Yet this baby is the Savior. He is the Christ—or the Messiah—and He is the Lord. God, YHWH, Himself!

If all of that were not shocking enough news, we see that the angel declares that the Messiah is for all of God’s people, everyone with whom God is “well pleased.” This is not a fulfillment of the Jewish expectation of a savior for the nation, but God has sent a savior for all of humanity. Everyone who seeks God can take hope in this message. The message of Christmas is not some nebulous “Christmas Spirit” about being nice and not naughty. It is the gospel of joy that God loves us and sent His Son to us in our sin to save us!


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