Obeying God's Commands (Numbers 22)

The story steps away from Israel for a few chapters here, and focuses on its enemies in the form of Balak, the King of Moab and a prophet named Balaam. Balaam is a complicated character. Not an Israelite, yet he is a prophet who seems to know and speak to YHWH. Balak is terrified of Israel, and tries to hire Balaam to curse them, since, “Who you bless is blessed and who you curse is cursed.” His first delegation to Balaam is sent back after a night of consultation with YHWH, as God tells Balaam he can’t curse Israel.< br />
A second attempt on Balak’s part—with more men and money—is given the same consideration. (Why ask God again, if the answer has already been given? More money and a desire for it seem to motivate Balaam. Both Peter and Jude refer to the sin of Balaam this way.) This time, surprisingly or not, God consents to let Balaam go to Balak, but warns him not to say anything other than what YHWH commands.< br />
Along the way, YHWH becomes angry with Balaam. It might be that Balaam’s heart is bent on figuring a way to earn the money ad curse Israel against YHWH’s wishes. In any case, the Angel of YHWH appears in Balaam’s path to kill him. Balaam’s donkey sees the angel and avoids him. This angers the seer, who is unable to see what is in front of him. Two more times, the donkey avoids the Angel of YHWH, until finally the donkey is given the ability to speak. Only then does Balaam see the danger. He prepares to turn back in repentance. However, the Angel of YHWH tells him to go on, but to be very careful to only say what YHWH commands.< br />
This is a good story for us to hear today. Even when we hear from God, we often struggle to obey. We talk ourselves out of what we have heard. We try to find ways to obey while still doing what we want. Or, worse, we tell ourselves that what we want is really what God wants, in contradiction to what Good has said. Even with the forgiveness and grace that we have from God, we would do well to remember that He wants obedience from His children, and even when we are technically doing what He wants our hearts are not always in it. Jacob, Moses, and Joshua all experience times when the Angel of YHWH stands in their way while they are following YHWH’s commands!


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