X Files Seasons 8 and 9 (The 30-Year Rewatch)

Like a lot of ideas and projects here at NonModern, this rewatch really petered off. Not that we didn’t due our plan to watch the whole show, but our enthusiasm for the show—and writing about it waned heavily. Especially after season 7. Seasons 8 and 9 of The X Files are really a different show. It might be argued that it is a good show in comparison to other things on the air in that day, but not in comparison to the original seven seasons.

Bad episodes in this period tended to be the forgettable, boring variety—not crazy, so-bad-their-good kind. And of these there were too many to keep track of. Good stuff was there for those looking for it. Namely:

Patience, Roadrunners, Alone, and Improbable. A couple of these episodes take an interesting look at religion, which is always something we enjoy here.


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