The X Files Season 7 (30-Year Rewatch)

The end of the millennium really brought us the end of The X Files. There would still be good episodes here and there, but the mythology had fallen apart. With the exit of Duchovny, the characters, and setting would change enough that it began to feel like a different show altogether. So, here we have the last hurrah.

There are some really great episodes here. “Signs and Wonders” has always been one of my all-time favorite X Files. It is in my top ten still. “Hollywood AD” is also just in the top ten. “Hungry,” “X Cops,” “Fight Club,” “The Amazing Maleeni,” and “First Person Shooter” all have their charms as well, even if they are gimmicky.

However, the connected, mythology episodes—only four out of the twenty-two—are some of the worst of the series.


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