More Success (Numbers 21:10-35)

Following the brief account of the rebellion and the bronze serpent, the story gets back on track, rushing the new generation towards the promised land and defeating more enemies. This account has a lot of poetry: the snippet from “The Book of the Wars of YHWH”, the drinking song sung at…Beer, and the song of Sihon’s victory over Moab.

This latter song is relevant, not only because Israel has thoroughly defeated Sihon, but because it is important that Sihon had beaten Moab. This will explain and set up the next extensive section of Numbers, where Israel interacts with Moab.

However, the issue at hand is how the story shows us that the children of Israel are having great success because they are trusting and following God. Even with the setback of the serpents, the trend here is that obedience leads to success.


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