John's Birth (Luke 1:57-80)

John’s birth continues to cause a stir in Zechariah and Elizabeth’s town. Not only has Zechariah returned from his service in the temple mute (and apparently deaf), but the barren, elderly Elizabeth has miraculously had a baby. Now, after the baby is born and Elizabeth and Zechariah name him John as the angel commanded, Zechariah recovers from his muteness! Filled with the Holy Spirit, he utters the first prophecy from God in some 400 years!

God has remembered His people. He has remembered His covenant and the promises He made to David and to Abraham. He has visited humanity and prepared a redemption for them, so that they may be saved to serve Him.

John will be the prophet preparing the way for the Lord, the Messiah. He will make known the salvation God is bringing. Not just make it known as information, but the people will experience the salvation and forgiveness from sin that God is providing. The mercy that God offers.

This is the story of the rising of the sun, the light to the people enslaved in the darkness of their sin. It is good news!


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