All Monsters Attack (1969) Saturday Monster Movies

In what is possibly the worst Godzilla film ever—and certainly the most unusual—we get the story of a kid who is a fan of the movies. So, not a Godzilla movie per se, but more of a movie about the movies.

Ichiro is our kid, and he has a problem. He is bullied. He likes to imagine and dream that he travels to Monster Island where he is friends with Godzilla’s son Minilla. Minilla is bullied by another Kaiju that has the same name as Ichiro’s bully. (No subtlety here!) However, in an even worse twist of fate, Ichiro is kidnapped by bank robbers!

Inspired by his dreams, Ichiro has the courage to escape the robbers, and then to stand up to his bully. Despite the obvious, unsubtle nature of the film, there really isn’t any moral here.


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