Luke Introduction (1:1-4)

I decided that Luke was my favorite gospel when I was a kid. It probably had something to do with the nativity passages. It mostly had to do with the meticulous way that Luke had researched his story. He was a doctor. He was, to my mind, a modern thinker. His was the gospel with the most “historic” flavor. As my favorite gospel, it was also my favorite New Testament book.

When I started slowly going through the New Testament over ten years ago, I didn’t have much of a plan. I just started in Acts and then worked my way through. Now, here I am looking at the last book, which is ironically the first part of the book I started with. It also happens to be the longest New Testament book, so I am looking at a couple of years easy at the pace I have been doing.

Luke starts his account out with a purpose statement. He writes his account of the life and teachings of Christ, thoroughly researched and assembled, to assure and educate a believer named Theophilus. In that way, it continues to serve the same purpose for us reading it today…


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