The X Files Season 5 (30-Year Rewatch)

Watching the series this time around, I expected my overall opinion of season 5 to be worse than previous viewings. However, I was surprised when my overall rating was again slightly higher than before. My problem with the show at this point is the way that they switch Mulder and Scully’s positions. I love the way that they explore Scully’s faith and show that someone can be rational and scientific, and yet have a religious faith. However, the way that Mulder becomes disillusioned and skeptical of his entire worldview feels forced. I do love the fun that the show has at this stage with episodes like “Postmodern Prometheus” and “Chinga.”

My son continued to enjoy the show. He liked all the classics and singled out “Bad Blood” as one of his favorites. It has always been among my very favorites, and I have shown it to all the kids multiple times.


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