Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964) Saturday Monster Movies

After the success of “Mothra” (1961), and King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), Toho decided to make another Kaiju film pitting two monsters against each other. This would end up being the formula for the rest of the Shōwa Era. “Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964) would also be the last film in this era to have Godzilla as the villain of the story. As has been the case up until this point, Godzilla represents the threat of nuclear warfare.

Mothra, on the other hand, is an example for humanity. The film begins with a storm that washes a giant egg onto the shore of Japan. No one knows what the egg is, but of course we the audience know it is Mothra’s. Corporations and corrupt men “buy” the egg and begin to take advantage of the village where the egg washed up. Meanwhile, Godzilla also emerges, and threatens to rampage across the country.

Mothra’s representatives—the little fairies that always show up with her—have been trying to get the egg returned. Now, our human “heroes” head to Infant Island (Mothra’s home) to appeal for help from Mothra against Godzilla. They arrive shocked to find that most of the island has been destroyed by nuclear testing.

The natives of Infant Island refuse to help. Why would they help civilization when the nuclear testing has ruined their home and now the egg has been held hostage? However, Mothra is prepared to help. Even though it is near the end of her natural lifespan, she will help the humans. She forgives them for all the evil that they have done or allowed to happen to her.

You’ll have to watch the film to see if she is able to defeat Godzilla.


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