Joel: Grace! (2:28-32) [Chapter 3 in the Hebrew]

A change is coming. God will not deal with His people forever with perpetual animal sacrifices. This is the most well-known passage in Joel due to its use in the New Testament. God promises that He will pour His Spirit out on humanity. This has come to pass, according to Peter in his sermon on Pentecost. Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice opened the door for humanity to find full forgiveness for sin. We can now enjoy a true relationship with God and can be indwelled by His Spirit.

The Day of YHWH—the ultimate, big, day of judgment—is still near. It is coming to judge and end evil for all eternity. However, we do not need to fear that judgment. “Whoever calls on the name of YHWH will be delivered.”

This is not just mercy, but grace. We do not fear the judgment we deserve, but also enjoy the relationship we have not earned!


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