Joel: THE Day of YHWH (3:1-21) [4 in thee Hebrew]

There will be an ultimate “Day of YHWH.” What Joel began to describe in 2:30-32 [Chapter 3 in Hebrew] is now continued. This is the time when God will break into. History to restore Jerusalem and judge the nations of the world. God will cause the nations of the world to gather in the promised land for war, but He will pay them back for their historic mistreatment of His people throughout history.

Beginning in verse 9, the remainder of the book is an extended poem.

“Prepare a war” in Hebrew, is actually “consecrate or sanctify” a war. The same word is used here as in 1:14 and 2:15. Armageddon—the war to end all wars—will be a holy service executing God’s judgment on the nations. Unlike in the millennial age when God will rule on earth and weapons will be remade into tools, here the nations summoned by God will turn their tools into weapons of warfare.

“Put in the sickle…” The agricultural imagery parallels other aspects of the book. However, here the reaping and pressing and overflowing wine I a horrific vision of the judgment and destruction of the evil of humanity. “Multitudes, multitudes” expresses the overwhelming number of the judged. Apocalyptic imagery of creation responding to the judgment—the sun and moon and stars growing dark, as they did when covered by the swarm in 2:10—adds to the horror of the vision. YHWH roars and the earth shakes. (Parallel to 2:10,11 again.)

The final lines compare God’s people dwelling in an abundant land to the desolation of the evil nations of the world. The message is clear, “Return to YHWH, your God!”


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