X Files Season 3 (30-Year Rewatch)

I was surprised to discover that, here on my 3rd deliberate rewatch (and 4th or 5th time for much of the season) I ranked season 3 higher than I did on my first watch-through. When I first watched the X Files, 20+ years ago, I did not like the mythology episodes. I was a monster of the week fan through and through. Now, I would say I like the two tracks equally, but this viewing the mythology was so much more rewarding. When you know the spoilers, you enjoy seeing the details leading up to the revelations.

Talitha Cumi has always been a good episode in my estimation, but I never ranked it in the top ten of the season. This time, however, I loved it. I guess having read Karamazov in the past ten years increased my appreciation. It would definitely rank this time. I may have to do a reranking for the conclusion of the 30-year rewatch.

My son had a hard time picking his favorite because he liked so many. His favorite episodes of the season were: Clyde Bruckman, 2Shy, Nisei/371, War of the Caprophages, Jose Chung, and Quagmire.


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