Joel Outline

Introduction: “The word of YHWH that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel.” (1:1)

Part 1 Judgment and The Day of YHWH (1:2-2:17)

I. Judgment: A Natural Catastrophe Seen as the Day of YHWH (1:2-20)

A. The Impact of the Locust Invasion (1:2-12)
1. “Hear this, you elders!” Utter destruction has come. 1:2-4
2. “Awake, you drunkards,” The vineyards and figs are destroyed. 1:5-7
3. “The priests mourn,” The fields and grains are destroyed. 1:8-10
4. “Be ashamed, tillers” The Harvest of the field has perished. 1:11-12

B. The Call for Repentance (1:13-20)
5. Lament, consecrate a fast 1:13-14
6. The Day of YHWH is near! 1:15-18
7. “To you, YHWH, I call.” 1:19-20

II. Judgment: The Day of YHWH against sin. (2:1-17)

C. The Impact of YHWH’s Judgement. (2:1-11)
1. “Blow a Trumpet in Zion.” The Day of YHWH is coming. 2:1-2
2. “Fire devours before them.” The land is destroyed. 2:3-5
3. There is no safety from the coming devastation. 2:6-9
4. “Who can endure it?” 2:10-11

D. The Call for Repentance (2:12-17)
5. “Return to YHWH your God.” 2:12-14
6. “Consecrate the congregation.” 2:15-16
7. “Spare your people, O YHWH!” 2:17

Part 2 Mercy, Judgment, and the Day of YHWH (2:18-3:21)

I. Mercy: YHWH restores his people. (2:18-32)[2:18-3:5]
A. YHWH restores his people and the land. (2:18-27)
1. “YHWH had pity on his people.” 2:18-20
2. “Fear not, O land; Be Glad, O children of Zion.” 2:21-23
3. “I will restore you the years.” 2:24-27

B. YHWH pours out his Spirit and saves those who are his. (2:28-32)[3:1-5]
4. “I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.” 2:28-29 [3:1-2]
5. “I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth. 2:30-31 [3:3-4]
6. “…everyone who calls on the name of YHWH shall be saved.” 2:32 [3:5]

II. Judgment: YHWH will judge the nations & avenge his people. (3:1-21)[4:1-21]

C. Another Day of YHWH is coming for the nations. (3:1-12) [4:1-12]
1. YHWH will judge the nations. 3:1-3
2. The nations will taste the very judgment they have poured out. 3:4-8
3. The nations gather for war and are judged by YHWH/ 3:9-12

D. YHWH will avenge his people. (3:13-21)[4:13-21]
4. “Put in the sickle.” The Day of YHWH is near. 3:13-14
5. Signs, wonders, and the Voice of YHWH. 3:15-17
6. YHWH will avenge his people. 3:18-21


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