Joel Introduction (1:1)

Joel, the son of Pethuel is one of the “minor prophets” who left us a book in the Old Testament. We do not know anything else about this man. We do not know when he lived or delivered his message. In a way, that is better, because his message is universal to all of God’s people throughout time. There are strong arguments for dating Joel later than many other minor prophets. Perhaps even as late as Malachi. This would place his prophecy after the restoration of the people after their exile. That would mean his message of repentance and return to God would be to a. nation who. Had already experienced great judgment and still shown a propensity toward rebellion and corruption within the religious system.

Whereas most of the minor prophets are ordered more or less chronologically, Joel is placed second. It has been suggested that this may be due to the fact that we are to read the other prophecies (particularly Amos) in the light of Joel’s message: that judgment comes, but mercy is always available to those who will return to God.


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