Joel: The Context, Doom! (1:2-12)

Locusts were (and are) a big deal in the regions where the Bible was written. Swarms of insect pests can happen on such a scale that they wipe out a whole region's entire livelihood. The Old Testament has nine words that we translate as “locusts.” Here in Joel, we get the announcement of doom following a swarm on an unheard-of scale. Joel sounds the alarm and calls out to the people of the nation.

First, he calls to the drunkards, those who are given over to pleasures and debaucheries. Yet it is not a condemnation against them, but rather a lament. Their entire world—the vineyards and the sweet wine they produce—has been destroyed. The locusts are described as an invading nation with lion’s teeth who have left even the vines stripped of their bark! Next, the priests are identified, because the grains and wine offerings are no more. Access to God through the sacrificial system has broken down. Finally, the farmers are mourned. Their whole livelihood—and the basis of the agrarian economy of Israel—is no more.


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