The X Files Season 1, 30 Years Later

The last time I did a full rewatch of The X-Files was 15 years ago. Now it has been double the time since the series aired, and it is really showing its age.

The styles—both the fashions being worn and the ways that TV shows are structured—have changed completely!

TV back then told a story at a slower pace. Nowadays TV crams multiple plots in with much shorter clips of scenes. Yet the viewer had to be much more attentive back in the nineties. If you glance away to look up the name of an actor you think you recognize, you might miss a vital visual clue. Today TV knows that no one is actually watching. They have the show on in the background while they are glued to their phone!

We can’t help but laugh at the long coats, huge shoulder pads, and clunky cell phones!

All in all, my estimation of the first season dropped again. My average rating of the season’s episodes went from 7.8 to 7.5. It was always a weaker season. My son’s favorite episodes were “Ice,” “Fire,” and the two Tooms episodes. We agree the worst was “Space.” (I know for a fact it is the worst of the whole series!


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