Another X Files Rewatch!

It seems hard to believe, but “The X Files” aired for the first time 30 years ago this year! I have long counted this show as among my favorites, either in the first place or in the top three to five shows. I watched it fairly regularly live, especially in the second half of its first run. Then, in the early 2000s, it was the first TV show I purchased on DVD, back before that was even a normal thing. (I ordered the first four seasons from a questionable source in Asia from eBay.) So, in 2002 it was the first show I binge-watched, in order, on DVD. It was also the first series that I binge-watched for a second time in its entirety. (I have only done that for a very small number of TV shows.). I tried again when my older kids showed an interest, however, I could not keep their interest past the first couple of seasons, and that was even skipping some of the slower episodes.

So, it was a pleasant surprise when my youngest declared that he would like to watch the series in its entirety. It came as an even greater treat to realize we would be starting out on the 30-year anniversary. We will see how it holds up all these decades later!


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