Travel Delays in Life

When I last flew home to Germany from the US, from door to door it was supposed to take about 23 hours. However, due to mechanical problems and the nature of airline scheduling, it ended up being 47. I arrived at DFW about 30 minutes after my next plane took off and had to wait until the same flight the next day. However, it wasn’t as simple as all that. Landing 30 minutes late, I was told to stand in a long line at the help desk. After three hours in that line, I was told to go to another terminal and wait in a similar line. That one ended up being twice as long as the first one. I was able to have my daughter call the airline help desk and get me rescheduled while I was in that line. So, after just a couple of hours, I was able to step out of that line and face the additional 19 hours of waiting.

The five hours standing in line was WAY worse than the 19 sitting around.

I think it has to do with the uncertainty factor. In line, I was not sure what was going to happen. I was in a hurry to get to the front and get a new plan. I was stressed because I did not know what I was facing. I learned a lot about myself. I can face a lot of discomfort, delay, and restlessness as long as I know what the eventual plan is. What I can’t stand is not knowing when the discomfort, delays, and restlessness are going to end!

And THAT is something I think we all struggle with. As a follower of Jesus, I need to remind myself that, even when I don’t know what is next, He does. I should be able to better rest in uncertainties—as I did in the 19 hours in the airport with nothing to do—knowing that there is a plan and I am headed towards something better. I need to be the same person I am in the line, as when I know what is next.


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