Faith Tested (Hebrews 11:17-22)

What do we do when our faith in God requires us to trust Him with everything… with our most important and dear joys in life? Abraham failed a lot of tests in his life. But when God asked him to sacrifice his child—and with him the promises God had given him—he passed the test. God did not intend for Abraham to kill Issaac. But Abraham’s trust in God’s promises was so great, Abraham’s trust in God’s provision and protection was so firm, his trust in God’s love for his child so strong, that he did not hesitate to obey.

How do we do with our own most treasured joys? How do we trust God with our children? This is a tough subject today. In fact, it has been said that kids are the only idols that we endorse in western Christianity. (The other being self-fulfillment.) If God asks us to trust Him with our self-esteem, our future, or our children, we don’t hesitate… to say no.

Instead, we might do well to believe that God cares about and loves our kids even more than we do. We should believe that His plans and desires for our future are better than our own. And we should trust that God’s goals for whom we should become are better than any we could come up with on our own. Let him mold you. Trust His direction. And let Him love your kids in ways you could never do.


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