Faith Seen in the Example of Moses and the Children of Israel (Hebrews 11:23-31)

In the life of Moses, we see faith examples multiple times here in Hebrews 11. First, his parents demonstrated faith when they kept him safe and alive. (The writer tells us it was because he was “beautiful.” What parent does not think their baby is beautiful? It really must mean that they loved him.) They loved him so much they were willing to disobey Pharaoh and risk death. In their eyes, however, it was not a risk because of their faith.

Moses, in turn, exercised his faith by rejecting the comfort and safety of Pharaoh’s household to identify with his people. He chose to identify with God’s Messiah and the people of Israel, rather than take his place as a prince of Egypt. Once again, we see that biblical faith is a recognition that this world—with all its comforts and pleasures—is not our home. We are citizens of a greater Kingdom.

Like Abraham, he left the only home he knew behind, and found God on the journey. And by faith he obeyed God when instructed to celebrate the Passover, trusting that God would keep His promise. The children of Israel too—through trusting and obeying God and taking Him at His word—were able to cross a sea on dry land, and defeat a city with impenetrable walls.

Again here too, we see a woman, Rahab, show her faith by acknowledging and trusting God over her city walls.


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