Faith: Relying on Testimony and Promise, That We Have a Home (11:13-16)

“These all died in faith, not having received the things promised,”

The patriarchs—and all the Old Testament heroes listed in this passage and other parts of the Old Testament—lived before the promise of the Messiah was fulfilled. Indeed, we all live before the promise of the Kingdom of God has been completely fulfilled. The Old Testament saints died before the promises were fulfilled, but they died in their faith. They trusted the promises of God without seeing them.

“…but having seen them and greeted them from afar,”

This is an aspect of faith. When we see things that are not yet there—but have been promised by One we can trust to be faithful—we can know that they are real. In the same way that we can know that things happened in the past, based on faithful testimony of those who came before, we can all trust the reality of things yet to come based on the faithful testimony of One who has seen what is yet to come.

“…and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.”

What we have been promised is that we have a home… a home with our Maker… a home in God’s kingdom where all will be made right. That is a hope worth trusting.


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