Hold On! (Hebrews 10:19-39)

As the writer of Hebrews concludes his teaching about the new covenant, he comes to the application for our daily lives. The first application, once we see that we have access to God through Jesus, is to realize we need to draw near to God! It is all well and good to know we can be in a relationship with God, but we need to take advantage of that truth once we know it! And a big part of being in relationship with God is staying in that relationship. The idea of enduring is huge in the whole New Testament.

To that end, the author calls us to:

Hold fast to our confession.

Stimulate each other on towards love and good deeds.

Regularly gather with other believers to encourage each other.

If we relax on these exhortations, we will suffer. We might like to think that all we need is our own faith and God to be fine. But the experience of all believers who have gone before us warns us that we canā€™t. We need to feed our minds with things that encourage and strengthen our faith. We need the spurring on of other believers to help us to grow stronger in our faith and our relationship with God. And we need the encouragement of other people who are in a relationship with God to help us in those moments where we are struggling.

The call to endure is so prevalent in scripture that we have to take it seriously. We canā€™t lose our salvation, even according to the author of Hebrews, but we can take our eyes off our goal and drift into unfaithfulness.


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