A Real False Flag: The War on Christmas

You may have heard the rumors of there being a “war on Christmas.” Let me tell you, you don’t need to worry about it. It is what they call a “false flag.” The truth is, for the secular or anti-religious folks of the United States there is no need for a real war. Christmas was defeated from a Christian perspective, generations ago. Now, any “war on Christmas” is merely an effective means to distract and control people.

“Wait a minute!” you might be saying. “Christmas has not already been defeated!” But if you are a follower of Jesus, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

-Do you, or did you teach your kids that Santa was a real thing? Not just a fun tradition of the season with a knowing wink, but actually trick them into believing in Santa?

-Is Christmas in your house unquestionably about celebrating the birth of Jesus, reading the biblical story, with seasonal trimmings, or is it mostly just about the traditions?

-Are you upset with generic phrases like, “Happy Holidays!” but just fine with ones like, “the spirit of Christmas.”

We all tend to enjoy the add-ons of the season—things that have nothing to do with what we are really celebrating—like: trees, Santa, materialism on steroids, nutcrackers, stockings, etc. And we all enjoy genuinely wonderful stories that aren’t really about Christmas like “A Christmas Carol,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Frosty the Snowman” and the like. We might even embrace stories that offer competing interpretations of what Christmas is all about.

While many of us are being distracted by the false flag of “Happy Holidays” or “Xmas” (a truly dumb thing to be offended by if you understood your own Christian heritage!), we miss the fact that most of us have long since abandoned what we are claiming to protect.

Instead of getting worked up about an unbelieving world not celebrating and worshiping the Savior at this time of year, we might do better by focusing our own hearts on. What we claim to believe. And, instead of judging people for not being Christian enough for our taste, we ought to love them and approach them the way Jesus approached us when we were His sworn enemies. After all, that is what the incarnation is all about—the true spirit of Christmas—Jesus came to love, not condemn.


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