A Rabbit Chased: Beware Apostacy! (Hebrews 5:11-6:20)

The writer of Hebrews has to break away from his train of thought here when he mentions that Jesus is our high priest after the order of Melchizedek. He will return to that thought again in chapter seven, but first he feels the need to admonish his readers for their lack of maturity and growth in faith. They are unable to understand the things he is talking about because they have not grown in God’s word. They are like babies, having never grown beyond the very basic aspects of the biblical worldview. In fact, they have become dulled to hearing what God has to say. This is a third exhortation from the author: “Do not drift away from God’s word!” “Do not harden your hearts to God’s word!” “Do not become dulled to hearing God’s word!”

So, what are those “basic elements” of the biblical worldview, according to Hebrews? “Repentance from dead works.” “Faith towards God.” “Instructions of washings.” “Instructions on the laying on of hands.” “The resurrection of the dead.” And, finally, “Eternal judgement.” These six elements seem to be common to both the old and new covenants. People need to understand sin, the need to turn to God in trust and obedience, growth in holiness as well as service and ministry, and the fact that this life is not the end, but we will face an eternity with or without God. But these are just the basics. The truth and implications of the Gospel are so much richer!

If we are content to merely embrace the biblical worldview, but not pursuing an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ and our Lord, we are in real danger of drifting away. Becoming dulled to God’s word is the danger of falling into apostacy. The writer here indicates that there is a danger for people who encounter the worldview but fail to truly embrace it. If we understand the truth of the Gospel, but do not really accept it in a way that changes and controls our life, and we turn away from following Christ, the odds are we never really did repent and trust. Worse, scripture here warns those who would have a taste of the Kingdom—those who would play at being followers of Jesus for a while—but then reject that life, are likely never going to repent and believe!

However, the writer is not worried that his readers are just “faking it.” They are real believers who merely need to grow in their knowledge and faith. They need to not become dulled to hearing God’s word! And he can be confident of their assurance of salvation, because it is not dependent on them, their ability, their understanding, but rather it is resting in God’s faithfulness. When we look to the testimony of God’s word it is clear. We are safe in the promises and faithfulness of God.


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