The Bachelor (Esther 2:1-18)

Sometime after the events of chapter 1, the king begins to miss his queen. And, as he had turned to the old and wise men for advice before, here the young men suggest a “beauty” contest to find a new one. It is not sex alone that the king is seeking here, (he had a whole harem, or maybe a couple) what he is after is a connection. But, in another irony, the king begins to look for this connection with a sex contest. Over the next few years, the contest is held.

Esther is introduced as an orphan being cared for by her cousin Mordecai. She enters the contest, but it is unclear whether she does so voluntarily or not. In any event, her compliance and obedience are highlighted multiple times. She obeys Mordecai’s orders not to reveal her heritage. She wins the. Favor of the harem eunuchs and follows all of their advice and guidance. And, details are not provided, but she pleases the king so much that he makes her his new queen.

There is a tragic element to the Esther story that is not often highlighted. She is an orphan who is taken to live in a harem. Even when she wins the “fairy-tale ending” and becomes the queen to a king, it is to an insecure, socially awkward king with a harem (or two)! And we later find out that, though the king does appear to adore her, they do not have a natural relationship. Where Vashti was banned for not coming when summoned, Esther will not be summoned for long periods of time.


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