The 9th Best All Time Film

(3rd Pre-1973)
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)

When I was learning German, we were talking with one of our teachers about colors and how in different cultures, colors carry different meanings. She asked us what color we associated with different feelings or meanings, and at one point asked what color meant ā€œtraditionā€ for us? Based on this movie, and all of its sepia tones, I said brown. She gave me a very strange look, and then explained to me that, in Germany, brown is permanently tied to the Nazi party.

Fiddler on the Roof is my favorite Musical (although there is a higher ranked film that is musical, just not A Musical). The songs are great, but the story is even better. And the message and meaning behind the story is downright profound. Beyond the anti-antisemitism, everyone can also identify with the way that life forces us to deal with change. And parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do, because, if you do it right, it will still tear your heart out.


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