Providence and Planning (Esther 5:1-8)

This is probably the biggest moment of tension in the story. Esther presents herself to the king, without being summoned. If he is in the wrong mood, or does not care for her enough, she could be sentenced to death!

But something else is going on here. Esther is not just taking a gamble. She has prepared for success. At the end of the last chapter, we saw how Esther ordered all the Jews to fast for three days. During those three days, she and her attendants have also been fasting. That is not all that they have been doing, however. Esther has also been planning her approach to overturning Haman’s plan. And a big part of that planning has been preparations for a big, royal feast. So, they have been fasting for three days while preparing a feast.

Esther is not just risking her life to deliver a message. She is sacrificing, abstaining, and putting in hard effort to accomplish her objectives. This is a good picture of trusting providence, for God to do His part, while at the same time doing everything in her power to see things accomplished.


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