The 13th Best All-Time Film

(3rd Post-1998)

The Harry Potter Films

The Harry Potter films are not the definitive version of the story. For that one must (and should) look to the books. (Seriously, if you haven’t read them, you ought.). They will likely not be the only cinematic or filmed version. (Hollywood has a way of retreading great stories. They are already mining Tolkien’s work again.). And they are not uniform in their levels of greatness. (Goblet is certainly weaker. Prisoner squeaks out the best spot.)

But these are truly great adaptations of even greater books. People marveled at the movie “Boyhood” when it was released in 2014. They claimed never before had anyone told a story about a boy, filming the same actors over the period of a decade or more. Some of us at the time wondered, what about Harry Potter?


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